Do You Really Want To Be a Programmer?

Sergey Tolmachev
Thoughts And Ideas
Published in
2 min readJun 7, 2022


Laptop for programming
I’ve got that picture here

Programmers. What do you imagine when you hear this word?
Google’s office? Guys with laptops? Silicon valley? New Apple gadgets?

Anyway, I bet that you imagine a cool lifestyle.
Less work. Less stress. More money. Perhaps, much more money.

And you thought about changing your current job.
Why are you here then?

The easiest solution

Just. Start. Coding.
Choose a language. Find a lesson. And do it — write your first program.

I recommend Javascript and “Hello World” lesson. There are sections with exercises in the end of every lesson.

Are you behind your laptop? Make the first lesson right now.
Do you like it? Make next one.

How many lessons did you pass? One? Three? Ten?
What did you feel? Interest? Apathy? Inspiration?

The answer

It was good? If your answer is yes, you are a lucky guy. Welcome to binary world.
Keep going, learn things, write code, look for a job of your dream.

Do you need advice for a next step? Don’t be shy — ask me in comments.

If you had bad feelings — don’t worry. Give it one more try. Or two. Or three tries. As many as you think you should.

Still bad feelings? Probably, you should give up programming and find what are you interested in.


Remember, sometimes things look more complicated than its really are.

There were many programmers.
There are many programmers.
There will be many programmers.

And you could be one of them.

Post Scriptum

As Uncle Ben said “With great power comes great responsibility”.

Uncle Ben is a spider man’s uncle. I like that quote because of @markmanson. He has a funny foreword. The article is here.

